Let the Light Shine In

Happy summer solstice!
Please enjoy a favorite poem that was posted by a fellow Yoga teacher:
I thank You God for most this amazing day
For the leaping greenly spirits of trees
And a blue true dream of sky
And for everything which is natural, which is infinite, which is yes
I who have died am alive again today
And this is the sun’s birthday
This is the birth day of life and of love and wings
And of the gay great happening illimitably earth
How should tasting, touching, hearing, seeing, breathing any
Lifted from the no of all nothing
Human merely being doubt unimaginable You?
Now the ears of my ears awake
And now the eyes of my eyes are opened
– e.e. cummings


“To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.”~Audrey Hepburn

“An optimist is a human personification of Spring.”~Susan J. Bissonette

Last October,  my partner and I planted one hundred and twenty bulbs of Daffodils in our garden. We wondered, “what would next Spring bring?”. Winter was tough. We were faced with the tragic loss of lives coupled with economic, social and political unrest.

Continue reading “THE SPIRITUAL MEANING OF DAFFODILS (and The Pandemic)”


“ Love is the flower,  you’ve got to let grow”.

~John Lennon

This amaryllis flower is a symbol of love and determination. It is a message of renewal. It symbolizes the success won after a struggle.

It is a hopeful sign for our time.

So perhaps…

“ If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly our whole life would change”.

~Jack Kornfeld, Buddha’s Little Instruction Book

Winter Solstice: December 21

It is almost time to celebrate the heat and light of the returning sun. Many cultures celebrate the solstice as a day of rebirth and renewal. Its origins can be traced back to the yin and yang philosophy of balance and harmony. It is a time of positive energy.
Please enjoy this beautiful passage about letting the Light in, courtesy of The Center for Spiritual Judaism. The light will always lead us through the darkness. During this solstice Jupiter and Saturn will form a rare “Christmas Star”. They will appear closer on Earth’s night sky than they have since 1226 A.D.

Continue reading “Winter Solstice: December 21”

Season’s Greetings From Peace Mountain


by Danna Faulds (with a bow to Dr. Suess)

Celebrate harmony, celebrate cheer,
celebrate courage, and celebrate fear.
Celebrate easy, celebrate stuck,
celebrate nervousness, celebrate pluck.

I think you are getting the simple idea
that to celebrate everything
is why you are here.

So celebrate silence and celebrate noise,
celebrate matter flowing in
from the void.

Wherever you are in your life
as you read, celebrate freedom,
abundance, and need –

Because all of it’s holy,
the whole thing divine,
so get on with enjoying –
don’t waste any time!

Thanksgiving Thoughts

Please enjoy this lovely blog post from Kripalu, one of my favorite retreats and sources of peace and learning:

Yoga is a deeply rich and interweaving study of being fully alive. This Thanksgiving presents another moment for us to pause as an organization and reflect on what we want to share with you.

Read more from Kripalu’s greeting HERE

Obey only Love


we obeyed Kings and bent our necks before Emperors.

But today, we kneel only to Truth,

follow only Beauty,

and obey only Love.”

~ Khalil Gibran

… and wear face masks!

Crossstitch by Julie.

Prayer for these times of the Coronavirus

Grace of Heaven and Earth,
Grace of Parents,
Grace of Fellow Beings,
Grace of Laws,

Oh, Dharmakaya Buddha, Fourfold Grace!

May we take refuge in Dharma and be filled with compassion and wisdom.

May we transform delusion into wisdom, greed into generosity, resentment into gratitude, discord into harmony, and hatred into compassion.

In this outbreak of pandemic disease, may all nations work together and benefit mutually.

May the strong help the weak, and may the weak learn from the strong.

May all those who are sick with the virus be healed.

May they regain their strength and health through quality medical care.

May we be free from our fear, which prevents nations from working together and neighbors from helping one another.

May those who have died from the virus be at rest.

May the families of those who are sick or have died be protected from illness and despair.


Dharmakaya Buddha fourfold grace,

Please watch over and protect those who put themselves at risk in the process to care for sick patients.

May the leaders of all nations have the wisdom to invest in long-term solutions that will help prepare for or prevent future outbreaks.

May all people in the world learn a great lesson from this global pandemic, and overcome this disaster skillfully with a calm mind of great reflection and awakened spirit.

This we pray with our whole hearts.

~ Won Dharma Center

A Blessing for you

“May penetrating light dispel the darkness of ignorance.

Let all Karma be resolved

and the mind flower bloom in eternal Spring”

– Dai Hi Shu dedication