Notes from Kripalu (July 2023)

The only way out is through. 

~Robert Frost  

The highest spiritual practice is self-observation without judgement. 

~Swami Kripalu

Let’s start by admitting that I am so happy to be back in Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health, after staying away for so long due to Covid. That being said, I have been crying ever since I arrived. All good. I will explain and also try to write a little about the program highlights. It has been such a rich and cathartic experience. Hopefully my words will encourage you to inquire about these presenters or just plan a visit.   

Before I begin, let me relate a little vignette that happened today. We all wear name badges here. I walked into the gift shop to buy some chocolate (just a small amount – I still have cravings)  and the young cashier, said, “Hi Franny, that was my grandmother’s name and I loved her so much. I  have this tattoo with her name on it and she is always with me.” We had a little conversation about her grandmother that brought tears to my eyes. The tenderness the young woman held in her heart for her grandmother was palpable. I told her about the love I have for my adolescent granddaughter and how I am a support to her. We had a heartfelt conversation instead of just an exchange of a few words. This is Kripalu! A place where bittersweet tears create space to open our hearts and come to know our true selves.  Continue reading “Notes from Kripalu (July 2023)”