
I love to help people. I like adventure. As a young nurse, I joined the Public Health Service to work in Alaska. I worked in remote Indian and Eskimo villages. I flew in bush planes transporting patients to hospitals. I also worked in Fairbanks as the only nurse in a busy clinic, caring for Native American families. I helped build a log cabin and lived there without running water.

Fast-forward about 40 years. I spent a month living in a tent on an Ashram attending Yoga Teacher’s Training. Recently I visited India.

What did I do in the time in between? Fortunately, I became a parent and I worked as a nurse. Initially I worked in an urban area, clinic, caring for children with developmental disabilities. I became a Nurse Practitioner and acquired a Master’s Degree in Psychology.

I moved to upstate New York about 30 years ago. I now live in Copake. To me, Columbia County is a magical place. The spaciousness puts me at ease. I am grateful to live in an old farmhouse surrounded by mountains, farms and pastures. I live here with my husband and  dog. When my children and grandchildren visit they also feel more peaceful.

My small yoga studio, above our barn, overlooks the bucolic view. We see cows grazing. There is no better name for it than Peace Mountain Yoga.

I recently retired after a long career in Nursing. I worked with a diverse group of families including farm workers and immigrants. I always loved my work, especially the close connections made with families.

I am certified in Chair Yoga, Yoga for Arthritis, and “Let your Yoga Dance”.

I am a Yoga Teacher.

I am a Buddhist.

I love photography. I love dogs. I love long walks. I love wildflowers. I love to help people.

I am extremely grateful.