The Winter Solstice ~ 2021

The Winter Solstice is the time of ending and beginning, a powerful  time to contemplate your immortality. A time to forgive, to be forgiven, and to make a fresh start. A time to awaken. 

~Frederick Lenz

On Tuesday, Dec. 21st, 2021, once again the sun will travel its shortest path through the sky, giving us the shortest day and the longest night of the year. Winter begins. Holiday lights shimmer and glow, reminding us that  we are once again celebrating our inner light as well as the light of Nature. The vibratory energy of the seasons allows us to reflect and go within to rediscover our own inner radiance and release any inner darkness that no longer serves us.

Pandemic living may make this more difficult. However, there are ways to amplify our own vibrations so that we may deeply align with the positive energy of the changing season and the changing times. Then we may share the  radiance with others. This may be the year to keep it simple and self-reflect as you engage in self care.

I would like to share a few suggestions that have inspired me this season. Continue reading “The Winter Solstice ~ 2021”

My Christmas Greeting 2021

Dear Friends and Family, 

I would like to share a verse from this “amazing” poem by Maya Angelou. The light and love in these words serves us all well in these challenging times.  

Amazing Peace: A Christmas Poem

We clap our hands and welcome the Peace of Christmas.

We beckon this good season to wait a while with us.

We, Baptist and Buddhist, Methodist and Muslim say come.


Come and fill us and our world with your majesty.

We, the Jew and the Jainist, the  Catholic and the Confucian,

Implore you, to stay a while with us.
So we may learn by your shimmering light
How to look beyond complexion and  see community. 


May you find your joy, wonder, peace, and love this holiday season and throughout the New Year.

All blessings,
Franny and Andy

Felices Fiestas

Chag sameach

 Kindness is like snow. It beautifies everything it covers ~ Kahlil Gibran