Prayer for these times of the Coronavirus

Grace of Heaven and Earth,
Grace of Parents,
Grace of Fellow Beings,
Grace of Laws,

Oh, Dharmakaya Buddha, Fourfold Grace!

May we take refuge in Dharma and be filled with compassion and wisdom.

May we transform delusion into wisdom, greed into generosity, resentment into gratitude, discord into harmony, and hatred into compassion.

In this outbreak of pandemic disease, may all nations work together and benefit mutually.

May the strong help the weak, and may the weak learn from the strong.

May all those who are sick with the virus be healed.

May they regain their strength and health through quality medical care.

May we be free from our fear, which prevents nations from working together and neighbors from helping one another.

May those who have died from the virus be at rest.

May the families of those who are sick or have died be protected from illness and despair.


Dharmakaya Buddha fourfold grace,

Please watch over and protect those who put themselves at risk in the process to care for sick patients.

May the leaders of all nations have the wisdom to invest in long-term solutions that will help prepare for or prevent future outbreaks.

May all people in the world learn a great lesson from this global pandemic, and overcome this disaster skillfully with a calm mind of great reflection and awakened spirit.

This we pray with our whole hearts.

~ Won Dharma Center


Julius Caesar created “leap year” in 45BC as a way to balance out the calendar inconsistencies. Many people believe that February 29th holds significant spiritual powers. 29 breaks down to 11 (2+9) in numerology. In spiritual communities this is a number of awakening and spiritual enlightenment. Two is the number related to pursuing your soul purpose .When 11 (29th) and 2 (February) come together their energy forms to create a powerful time for love, healing and teaching.

Numerologist also believe that since since February 29th is rare, it causes a ripple effect within us which creates an opportunity for us to (leap) forward in this moment in time and “play catch up in our own lives”.

February 29th may feel just like an extra day . However, if we ponder the other events that occur in February we can use this extra day to tap into a new energy that can enhance our commitments. February is “American Heart Month” It is a month to raise awareness about heart health and to encourage those around us to prevent heart disease. Thus the 29th can serve as an extra portal of awareness about heart health. Here we have an extra reminder to stick to our plant based diet, exercise and stress reduction routines.

Let us not forget Valentine’s Day – Valentine is a given name derived from the Roman family named Valentinus which means “ strong and healthy.” Commercially we celebrate romantic love on this holiday. The true essence of love also means loving and caring for others as well as ourselves. We are reminded of Loving Kindness or Metta. The practice of Metta originally is derived from Buddhism (loving kindness, benevolence, friendliness, amity, good will and active interest in others).

Metta meditation is a practice of directing loving-kindness, well wishes and compassion towards oneself then to other people. Here is an example from Jack Kornfield:

– May I be filled with loving kindness
– May I be safe from inner and outer danger
– May I be well in body and mind
– May I be at ease and happy

So this year we have an extra day to wish loving kindness to ourselves and especially to all of the people in the world who are suffering so much.

A yoga class on February 29th may focus on opening the heart chakra. There are various poses and guided meditation practices that can be offered. The heart Chakra or anahata is the fourth chakra and in Sanskrit means “unstuck, unhurt and unbeaten”. A meditation on this chakra can bring balance, calmness and serenity.

In terms of astrology, a leap day falls in the sign of Pisces. The energy of Pisces is about connecting with our deeper consciousness, emotions and spirituality. The essence of a yoga practice is the same.

Wishing everyone a Happy Leap Year. May the extra vibrations and energy of the day encourage you to protect your health and your heart.

-May we all be filled with loving kindness
-May we all be safe from inner and outer danger
-May we all be well in body and mind
-May we all be at ease and happy

Reference: The Spiritual Significance of a Leap Day by Tanaaz
Photo by Sam Brown