Spiritual life should include a great measure of common sense.

Our sorrows and wounds are healed only when we touch them with compassion. ~Jack Kornfield

The year 2020 has taught us all the lesson of impermanence. “The plans we thought we were making, the lives we thought we were living – 2020 has taught us just how illusory they were.”~Dan Zigmond, Lions Roar

We faced the unthinkable daily – a global pandemic coupled with racial injustice, political instability, economic hardships, and social isolation. We are familiar with, directly or indirectly, the pain, suffering and losses of our loved ones. The ongoing emotional toll on healthcare professionals and essential workers has been heart breaking.

The New Year will be another lesson in impermanence. The late Leonard Cohen reminds us: “Ring the bell that still can ring. Forget your perfect offering. There is a crack in everything – that’s how the light gets in.”

Thanksgiving Thoughts

Please enjoy this lovely blog post from Kripalu, one of my favorite retreats and sources of peace and learning:

Yoga is a deeply rich and interweaving study of being fully alive. This Thanksgiving presents another moment for us to pause as an organization and reflect on what we want to share with you.

Read more from Kripalu’s greeting HERE


“May you have a strong a foundation when the winds of changes
shift” ~ Bob Dylan

This was written on Election eve.

There was a strong wind rustling through the trees this morning. I watched a flurry of colorful leaves swirl in the gusts and tumble to the ground. I wonder if this could be the winds of change.

We are in the midst of an unimaginable global pandemic and a time
of social unrest.  Are these winds of change predictive of a calmer political climate? Can the above mentioned troubles be eased by a calmer political climate? Can I cultivate this faith?


A strong foundation of faith is needed to believe in a positive outcome when the winds of changes shift or when there is a change in fortune. What is faith? Continue reading “FAITH and the WINDS OF CHANGE”

Important News about my Yoga Studio

Dear clients,

Effective immediately, my Peace Mountain Yoga studio is no longer available for classes. If you would like to discuss a private class at your location, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Peace,  Franny

Obey only Love


we obeyed Kings and bent our necks before Emperors.

But today, we kneel only to Truth,

follow only Beauty,

and obey only Love.”

~ Khalil Gibran

… and wear face masks!

Crossstitch by Julie.

Summer Solstice – writings of Chris Raines

Thank you to my friend Chris Raines for this beautiful writing!

We welcome in the Summer Solstice.

The four cardinal directions had various meanings from tribe to tribe, so the following relates to the manner in which I was taught.

Each direction represents an animal, a season or a stage of life. There is a color and an emotion, as well as stories that relate to each aspect. Continue reading “Summer Solstice – writings of Chris Raines”

Yoga for Spring

“Spring has returned.
The Earth is like a child that knows poems.” ~ Rilke

“Tell me about despair, yours, and I will tell you mine.
Meanwhile the world goes on.
Meanwhile the sun and the clear pebbles of the rain
Are moving across the landscape,
Over the prairie and the deep trees.
The mountains and the river.
Meanwhile the wild geese high in the clean blue air
Are heading home again.” ~ from Wild Geese by Mary Oliver

“If these poems repeat themselves,
Then so does Spring.” ~ Rumi

So how is everyone doing? Has Zoom fatigue set in?  Hulu fatigue?

The unimaginable has happened. The Covid-19 crisis has changed our lives. Continue reading “Yoga for Spring”