The Spiritual Meaning of Flowers: A Garden Meditation

Love is the flower you’ve got to let grow ~ John Lennon

The symbolic meaning of flowers has been accepted for centuries throughout the world and in literature as well. In the Victorian era, flowers were used to send messages that could not be spoken aloud. A “yes” answer came in the form of a flower handed over with the right hand and if the left hand was used the answer was “no”. If a flower was given upside down, the ideas being sent was the opposite of what was traditionally meant. Flowers depicted emotions such as love, strength, disdain, courage, pride, loss, joy, and sorrow to name just a few. 

The meaning and traditions associated with flowers and their colors may have changed over time but fascination with their wonder persists today. 

Each year our garden expands as perennial and wild flowers re-seed and spread. Now more than ever, we are nourished by this colorful awakening. Flowers triggered dopamine for our hunter-gatherers ancestors because they marked the coming of abundance after a hungry winter. Flowers also hold the promise of better times ahead.

Our garden birds were so lively this year because of the rich suet we placed in their bird feeder. Unbeknownst to us their food was rich in sun flower seeds. As the season progressed our colorful garden became more vibrant as giant sun flowers sprung up. Cardinals, blue jays, and yellow warblers nibbling on seeds added to the array of colors. I sipped my morning coffee and gratefully watched as bees, butterflies and humming birds added to the magic.


Spending time in nature cultivates inner peace especially needed  during our challenging times. The garden serves as a self care sanctuary. Connecting to the spiritual meaning of its flowers is one way to sooth the body, mind and spirit.    


Zinnias – The  Zinnias in our garden appear in colors of plum, tangerine, and crimson. How could they not uplift your mood? They bloom all season and so they symbolize the endurance that serves us well. They help us to feel strong, capable, and steadfast even in difficult times.  Zinnias symbolize qualities that remind us never to take those we love for granted.  They may remind us of an absent friend or someone we may not have seen in some time. Some people are still reluctant to travel. It is a good time to connect with an old friend or distant relative.  

Coreopsis – These flowers mean good cheer and love. We grow the red and yellow varieties that are four feet tall. These flowers are used for medicinal purposes around the world.  A scientific study recently found that the flowers can potentially prevent liver disease. Good to know. Some believe that these flowers bring you good luck in money matters and games of chance such as gambling. I for one, have not won the lottery yet! Will keep the faith!  In the Victorian times coreopsis flowers meant love at first sight. You never know! 

Purple Verbena – Purple flowers symbolize peace, harmony, respect and spiritual awareness. Verbena has been used in religious ceremonies throughout history. They are associated with prayer and a request to others to pray for an individual. Verbenas are associated with healing, creativity and happiness. They are also seen as protection against harm and evil. These flowers have a light sweet,  scent. Their ambrosial fragrance floats in the breeze.     

Sunflowers – Sunflowers symbolize peace, longevity, and devotion. The sunflower surpasses all others in terms of its universal power to bring joy to all people. 

In the yoga tradition, meditation is one of the self care practices.  There are many ways to meditate. The next time you visit a garden: 

—take a seat.

—enjoy some deep breaths.

— connect with the sights and sounds around you .

—visualize a color; a flower.

—turn inward, connecting to the spiritual essence of what arises.

—savor the moments with gratitude. 

 All photos by Franny Alexander  

3 Replies to “The Spiritual Meaning of Flowers: A Garden Meditation”

  1. Beautiful! Loved the part about flowers triggering endorphins based on our early human ancestors being conditioned to associate blooming flowers with an upcoming season of abundance. Did not know that! Fascinating!

  2. Just beautiful. I can feel the flowers and hear the birds by just reading the words. I feel more relaxed already, The pictures are amazing.

  3. To read about the way you describe our garden warms my heart.
    All the work we put into nurturing our plants comes through in your inspiring words. I picture our garden whenever I am away from it.
    I love what you have written and I love you….

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