Winter is a time when energy of the Earth is drawn inward. Animals hibernate. We, too, can use this time for introspection and restoration as our energy is drawn inward as well.
Ayurvedic medicine tells us that winter provokes kappa and vata doshas. With decreased digestive fire we are more prone to colds, poor circulation, joint pain and even negative emotions. Yoga can help. We choose poses to balance the doshas creating our own inner fire, increase energy levels and promote wellness.
A few suggestions are listed below:
- Poses to open the chest-sinus-relieves congestion, create warmth, improve circulation, warm the kidneys and build heat in the body
- Sun salutation-builds heat
- Fish pose-opens the chest
- Bow pose-opens chest
- Shoulder stand-move lymph (can do legs on the block or wall)
- locust pose
- Goddess, Child’s pose, other restorative poses.
- kapalabhati breathing-breath of fire –rapid short exhales-passive inhales-“snapping” of lower abdomen
- Lion’s breath
- Last but never least a warm and cozy long savasana.
Dietary Suggestions:
- Warm foods-soups, stews, oatmeal, barley, quinoa, healthy oils, root vegetables, warm liquids, glass of lemon water and some people say-a glass of wine cannot hurt-improves circulation.
- Warming spices-cinnamon cloves, cardamom, black pepper, coriander, nutmeg, fennel etc.
- Go to bed earlier.
- Invigorating exercise in morning to gets lymph draining and, peaceful and calming activities at night-try to get sun every day or use light therapy
- Netty pot
- Take your vitamin D